New Transcription and Local Presence in v10.4.7
We're excited to announce the release of Aloware v10.4.7. You'll find all the these features enabled in your account now.
Read below for all the highlights and details...
💡Free Trial of Smart Transcription
Aloware has released an exciting new artificially intelligent feature called smart transcription.
Listening to call recordings is labor-intensive and time-consuming. So, this feature enables managers to easily review the conversation dialogue, highlights, keywords, and categories with a click of a button.
Below you'll find the new settings page with custom dictionaries, PII redaction and content moderation. You can enable it yourself today.
To get started immediately, simply email with this message, "Hi, I'm interested in the Transcription Free trial" and we'll turn it on for you.
💲Upgraded Local Presence Packages
With Local Presence, you can increase your connection rate by using local area codes for calling and texting in major cities.
Now, we have upgraded our major cities package to all area codes in the United States.
📢 Aloware Talk Launch [Beta]
Another reminder that Aloware has launched its newest, overhauled interface.
Since release, we've made a number of performance improvements and enhancements. Check them out here!
In the last release, we highlighted the features on the communications page. Today, Nick will highlight how to use and understand the contacts page and more.
Remember it's been enabled on your account FOR FREE so make sure to give it a try.
🔕 ‘Opt-Out’ as a filter on Contacts Page
Many users may not want to receive texting or SMS, but still want to be contacted about important updates. Therefore, we have added opt-out as a separate option.
Now users can now use Opt-Out and DNC in different filter combinations in the contacts page.
Go to Contacts > Filters > DNC and Opt-Out Options. There each of the options are clearly explained below:
⛔ Enforced TCPA Approval Option
In some industries, it is critical to block any possible communication with customers on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) list.
Therefore, Admins can go to Account > Contact Settings > ‘Prevent Messaging to Non TCPA Approved Contacts’ Option seen below.
Please note: This setting is extremely restrictive and should not be used in all cases. Please read this article and contact to understand if TCPA enforcement is right for your business.
🐞 Bug fixes and performance improvements
We deployed lots of performance improvements related to HubSpot CRM shared contacts, file processing and UI fixes. Contact technical support for more details.
As always, we're committed to providing the best possible experience for our users, and we hope you enjoy this latest update.
If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at